About Us / School Life

School History:
Gordon Greenwood Elementary School opened on April 14, 1992.  The location of the school was a farm site that was originally owned by Maxine Michaud.  The school is named after Gordon Greenwood, a long-time resident of the Walnut Grove area and the oldest of eleven children. The Greenwoods moved to Fort Langley from Cessford, Alberta in 1935, when Gordon was fourteen years old.

Gordon graduated from the old Langley High School.  He served as President of the Fort Langley  Board of Trade and was a School Trustee from 1978 to 1990.

Our Students

Our students have an important influence on the kind of school Gordon Greenwood is and will become. Ours students will continue to make, our school a great place to be at.  Our school staff recognizes students weekly demonstrating the attributes of our nickname “G.E.C.K.O.”

The attributes are as follows:

G– great leadership
E– empathetic
C– consistent effort
K– kindness to others
O– outstanding achievement

Our Parents

We value and encourage the support of parents at Gordon Greenwood.  Your role in supporting your child is critical to their success. We believe that we make the greatest impact at school when parents work with us to support their children’s academic growth.

If you require information about the school or your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Our Staff

Our staff is committed to making connections with our students and watching and encouraging their growth as students and as people.  They are a very dedicated, caring group who work collaboratively in the best interest of our students.

Gordon Greenwood Elementary

9175 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V1M 2X2
Phone: 604-882-0114
Fax: 604-882-2617